
I am Muhammed Gazi Thinker Writter Speaker Reader Influencer Leader Businessman A Devotee of God

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About Me

The Curious Analyzer

Muhammed Gazi

A Thinker of the Future

A person who focuses on achievement, enjoys activities that involve leadership and persuasion, upholds freedom of exploration.

I am a student from the Republic of Indonesia who is currently studying in Fatih Sultan Mehmet International High School which is the best school in the Republic of Turkey. Along with other students who are representatives from 65 different countries in the world.

What can I do


I am a writer of five languages (Indonesian, Malaysian, Turkish, English and Arabic) who works actively as a journalist in online and offline media in two countries at once (Indonesia and Turkey). I also wrote several articles and stories and participated in the making of my own novels while continuing my education in high school.


I am a person who has a very high curiosity. So that makes me think broader than other people. Because of a very broad thinking, I managed to find something that other people have never found. Or create something with innovation from the assimilation and acculturation of my thoughts.

Influencer and Leadership

I am a person who really likes to share with others, especially knowledge and information. After I succeeded in obtaining or making new knowledge and information I immediately shared it with others. With this knowledge I succeeded in influencing and getting the influence of others through what social media platforms support the dissemination of my information. So as to create a charismatic leadership.


I am a person who is good at management, especially business. I have started my business since the age of eleven with investing in gold. Then I also started a small business by selling snacks at my school. Now my business customers have become international standards and the profit from my investment has reached more than 2000 dollars.

Our Blog

KAMMI and Its Influence in Indonesia

History began when Indonesia entered a revolution that was just free from colonialism. Where at that time there were many movements created by the community to convey their aspirations. Then came a figure like Mohammad Natsir who had a background in the ideology of Islamism. His struggle paid off, he managed to occupy the post of the prime minister which was the highest post after the president at that time. With his central position as prime minister, he succeeded in spreading the ideology of Islamism he had into the government. But unfortunately, it didn't last long. Several years later that position had to be lost and the Masjumi Party which he had formed had to disappear. Can not be separated from all kinds of slander, fighting, and betrayal. Masyumi was accused of being one of the PRRI / Permesta rebels, mostly carried out in Sumatra and several other places. Even though Natsir and Masjumi's intentions were good. They only wanted to save the government which was in chaos being shaken by the international community by forming a temporary government in Sumatra. None other than this is also the incitement of the Indonesian Communist Party, whose relationship they are currently warm with President Sukarno. 

The da'wah relay was then continued by Haji Muhammad Karim Abdullah who we know as Buya HAMKA. Now the media of his preaching is no longer through politics but through education. Based on the failure of Natsir's politics, they are looking for new ways to continue spreading their word. Those times were quite difficult, considering that the New Order government at that time was quite a dictator. They cannot move widely in conveying the message. One bit, the law and even life will play with them. Hamka's education was classified as successful with the establishment of Al Azhar college as the largest Islamic university in Indonesia at that time. Also in those years, many Indonesians went to the Middle East and other countries to deepen Islam. The New Order relaxed somewhat during the last ten years of Suharto's rule. The government can be said to be more siding with Muslims than in previous years which always suppressed all kinds of Islamic movements. 

1997-1998 was the period of national reform. Where people have flocked to form organizations that had previously been banned for 32 years. Indonesia, which has lost its freedom of opinion, again wants to voice its opinion which has been silent for 32 years. And one of the organizations that raise opinions is KAMMI, the Indonesian Muslim Student Action Unit. Formed by Fahri Hamzah and friends who were also the first leaders of the national student organization. 

KAMMI started as Indonesian students in the Middle East who returned to their homeland. They want to convey the knowledge they get there to the Indonesian people. But unfortunately, they coincided with the new order which did not provide an opportunity to convey aspirations. Finally, they conveyed it secretly in campus mosques targeting students as the end of the youth milestone. They formed a kind of association in a mosque and conveyed the knowledge they got in the Middle East. Then the association turned into a movement and organization associated with the weakening of the New Order government. They were also one of the participants who succeeded in overthrowing the new order from the government. 

After the end of the new order, there was an opportunity for all people to enter into government politics with the formation of many new parties. KAMMI officials also decided to continue the da'wah relay of Mohammad Natsir, which had been suspended for 38 years. By forming a new party called the Justice Party, it continued in the footsteps of the Masyumi Party's preaching. In 2002 the party changed its name to the Prosperous Justice Party due to its defeat in the 1998 elections. Until now, the Prosperous Justice Party has become one of the major parties in Indonesia with its highest position as chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly. 

Education and government are two things that cannot be separated from preaching. With these two things, we can win people's hearts from all sides. Rasulullah did the same thing so that Islam once controlled two-thirds of the world.


           I was born different from others. Maybe most humans have fear, but it's different from me. The incident started when a man and some of his entourage came to visit our house. His body is stocky with yellow eyes, aged around 50 years and over, it is certain that he is Chinese. At night after his arrival, I was invited to go to the jungle of Bukit Barisan, Sumatra, yes I live in a remote village nearby, eight hours from the city of Pekanbaru, Riau. At first my mother did not allow me to go because I was the only child, then if I was not beside her, who else could accompany her.
My name is Ahmad. I am fifteen years old, at that age I was forced to leave my parents forever. That night, I with Om Lim's entourage - that's how I called the stocky man - entered too deep in the Sumatran jungle so that I met a creature that would one day eliminate my fear - a wild boar with sharp red eyes and a giant body attacked us until we were left. one person who still survives, namely me. I bet desperately with the wild boar until it finally attacked my leg to break. After a while, the sound of gunfire reverberated which shocked the whole jungle. Finally, the pig died with a hole in its head where a bullet had gone through. That incident made me lose fear, fighting with the giant wild boar - betting between life and death is enough to lose it - which will change all my life. 
Actually, we hunt wild boar not without reason, the pigs have damaged our crops and disturbed the people - but on the other hand the pigs will be taken away to be sold by Om Lim as a house decoration. Their arrival was not really to hunt wild boar, after being investigated it turned out that he was my father's old friend - very close like two brothers. Jamil, that's my father's name - he worked for Om Lim's father's company, because of his hard work he was even adopted by Om Lim's father. Their main purpose here is to pick me up to join them. Half a full day, my father and mother were debating whether to let me go or not, finally my mother had to give in to her unanimous decision so that I would go with them. 
Even the sun has shown its orange light, whether I will reunite with my parents or not, I let go of missing my mother as if tomorrow I won't see her again. My mother advised me never to leave prayer, that is the last message I will hear someday so that it will be something precious to me. My mother was afraid that if this message was heard by my father, he would whip me up to bleed, my father really hates people who study religion. Unlike my father who only smiled at me as a sign of goodbye. That was the last day I met mom and dad. 
It's been eight hours' journey. Finally we arrived at a large house with a dormitory on its right and left. I was escorted to a spacious room next to Om Lim's study. Basyir, he is the first person I know here, he is the same age as me - a teenager of Arab descent who is the youngest employee here, he is also the one who will fill in the story of my life. 
Eight years have passed, now I have become a student at a university in Egypt. For eight years living with Om Lim, who has now become my adoptive father, even though we are of different religions he still loves me like his own son. 
That afternoon I was at the Al-Azhar mosque. I fully surrender to Allah for all the problems I get. Honestly this is the biggest test for me. 
Three months ago, I met someone I know. He is Ustaz Muthahhir. She came to my dorm this morning with a child. I recognize it. her name is Aisyah, my faculty friend. He did not come here for any business, unexpectedly he asked me to marry him. He is not just anyone. He is the head of a pesantren in Aceh. A month later I was legal with him. But we agreed that we both focus on our learning before getting married. 
 Three months later, I received a message to immediately divorce Aisyah from Mutahhir. After being investigated, it turned out that Aisyah had married another man. That's what makes some of my fear come back. A woman whom I have loved since entering Al Azhar. I finally got married to him, but I haven't felt that one house has ended tragically. Half of my heart is broken, my body is weak, I don't know what else to do. 
A week later I got the news that my mother had passed away through Om Lim. Not long after that, another electronic letter appeared saying that Ustadz Muthahhir had died while complaining about his son's actions until he ended up on a prayer mat. My soul was destroyed, my only hope was to surrender to Allah. Solve all the problems at his house. 
One month later I decided to go home. After I came down from the sky, I returned to see the message. From Basyir apparently. Suddenly the message made me very surprised. Come on, Allah has tested me repeatedly this year. The sad news from Om Lim who has taken care of me like a child. I complained to Allah, why did you give such a tough trial. Arriving at the airport, I immediately ordered a taxi to go to Jakarta. 
When I got there, I saw Om Lim lying on the bed, still conscious. What's going on, it seems like someone wants to frame me. A traitor. Sure enough, Basyir entered the room with some of his troops. He wanted to seize all the assets owned by Om Lim, to take advantage of his sickly old condition. Basyir, one of Om Lim's employees is now a traitor, he actually wants to take revenge because his family was burned alive by Om Lim's minions until he himself became an orphan and became a street child until Om Lim took him to work. He's been wanting to get revenge for a long time, but whatever, he's still a kid. But now is the right time. 
I was forced to fight with him, but my fear has returned. There is no power, I can only dodge. Until finally Om Lim said to me, "Son, maybe these are my last words, let Basyir take all my property and kill me, there is nothing like the torment in the hereafter." Come back boy! go back to your god! ”. suddenly the words shocked me, he had never said those words in his life. Suddenly the sound of gunfire rumbled, that was Om Lim's last breath as he uttered his first and last creed. A big soldier shot Om Lim from behind. That is the turning point of my courage. I said out loud, "take all this, this is really not worth to us." 
A week later I have continued my studies in Egypt. I decided to forget about Ayesha. I opened the message again, apparently there was a message from Aisyah's mother to meet at a hotel. Arriving there, aisyah's mother explained that actually aisyah had not remarried. He just made up the trick so he could marry his friend. However, one day when he visited his lover's house, he was forced to commit adultery and managed to escape. When he got home he told the truth to his mother on his statement. I am grateful that Allah has destined me to be with him. After my studies in Egypt had been completed, we were finally married in the true nature. That's what finally made all my courage regroup. 
A year later I heard the news that Basyir had burned to death in a factory he owned. Finally, Allah rewarded all the actions he wanted. Then where is my father? my father turned out to be the narrator of this story.

Nationalism, an International Rotten Conspiracy

Entering the 21st century, nationalism is no longer a new item. Now it has become an official ideology in most countries of the world including Indonesia. Our great leader Bung Karno deliberately chose the teachings of nationalism as the foundation for the success of every Indonesian citizen. With nationalism, we can love and be more proud of our homeland. Simply, President Soekarno launched his action to spread the ideology of Pancasila with the help of nationalism to spread to all the people of Indonesia.  But what exactly and where did nationalism come from as we know it?  

Nationalism was born around the end of the 19th century, at which time the kingdom was the most widely used system of government in the world. Nationalism is also the aftermath of the French Revolution in the 18th century who wanted an absolute democracy in which power was truly full in the hands of the people not in the hands of the state or royal rulers. In this century too many countries that carried out the revolution left the kingdom system which tends to be feudalist and impartial towards a more democratic republic. With the principle of nationalism, they rebelled against the kingdom and formed self-government as happened in the Russian Tsar empire, German Wilhelm, Ottoman Turkey, and others. And a small part of nationalism turned into fascism that was too fanatical with its people so that it denigrated and even fought a nation that was not the same as it was in Germany.

But behind all these revolutions, it was not purely the desire of the people themselves but a suffered. This is evidenced by the peace of the people under the auspices of the kingdom for centuries and only wants a revolution in the 19th and 20th centuries. Something that doesn't make sense. If the people are not satisfied and the royal system is a broken system, why only in that century did the people ask for a revolution. This is only part of the plan of the global elite who want the world to submit to a power.

Before the world war, the people were under the authority of the kingdom that led it. Then the only way to take power is to invite the people to want to be released from the kingdom. but simply not the lure of the pure democracy they will get. But a mastery of the global elite wrapped neatly with democracy. If the people are not successfully instigated, they will pit one against between two or three more kingdoms so that the kingdom will gradually lose its territory and people. That is what happened in the two world wars. Where there are two groups but are in the same instigator. They make themselves look good by giving debt. But actually, debt is a trap so they can control the economy of a country. By indebtedness, we indirectly give power to the group that gives debt.

The same thing happened to the Ottoman Caliphs which initially all Muslim countries were under the auspices of one caliph. But because of many intruders, intelligence, incitement, suffered and other caliphs this one was split into many countries. They used the name nationalism as the strongest reason to separate themselves into an independent state. Finally, the caliphs with a glorious past story lost its power and lost itself.

Now the glory of the big countries is only a memory. We must accept the fact that we are now under the power of a global elite. Their ways are very cunning and dirty in taking advantage of all over the world. Something that we think is good keeps all the very bad secrets. The only way we can do it is to tie the community's understanding of what is.

Atatürk: Two Sides of the Father of the Turkish Nation

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, a figure known as the father of the Turkish nation. Which changed the country of the two continents to a more modern direction. In historical records, Ataturk is quite a controversial figure. On the one hand, he is seen as having made a big difference to the tulip-producing country, but on the other hand, he is known as the enemy of Islam. Is an intelligent person who has unique thinking that makes some people confused and amazed at him. Many assumptions say that this son of Zübeyde Hanım is not accepted by Turkish society, but the reality on the ground is much different. His photos were everywhere until there was a memorial of his death known as Atatürk'ü Anma Günü

The figure and military career of the father of the nation

Born in the city of Selanik (Thessaloniki), Greece on May 19, 1881. He only has the real name, Mustafa. This was related to the Ottoman culture which only named children with one word. He was raised by Zübeyde Hanım after his father, Ali Rıza Efendi, who worked as a customs clerk, died when Mustafa was 7 years old. In history, the titles Efendi and Hanım only got their parents when Ataturk served as president of the Turkish republic.

From childhood, he was a smart figure. This was proven when he was in grade 4 elementary school and managed to achieve perfect scores which are rarely obtained by students in general. His military education began in secondary school at the military school Selanik and Manastır (Bitola), both centers of anti-Turkish Greek nationalism. His math teacher nicknamed him Kemal which means perfection because of his seemingly flawless intelligence. He graduated in 1905 with the rank of a lieutenant who was immediately sent to serve in Damascus. In Damascus, he immediately joined the secret group Vatan ve Hürriyet (Motherland and Freedom) which was an active opponent of the Ottoman Empire. Two years later he returned to Selanik and joined the Jön Türkler (Young Turks Movement) group.

He had brilliant achievements in the military so that in 1908 he had become a central figure who overthrew Sultan Abdülhamid II. His military career continued to rise until he became a commander at the Battle of Gallipoli in 1915. Where the Ottomans were in the central bloc with Germany against allies, namely Britain and France. Due to his success in preventing the allies from taking Ottoman rule in Istanbul via the Gallipoli Peninsula, he won the honorary titles of Gazi (the title of a hero who won the war) and Paşa (the honorary title of the Ottoman statesman).

His military career was not always smooth, even though he had many achievements. It was proven in 1917 that he failed to fight against the Arab rebellion in Hejaz and to defend Palestine which was piggybacked and controlled by the British. Because he was pressured by the situation, he only chose to defend the territory of Turkey which has been controlled to date. He is dubbed by some as an Islamic hero because of his services in defending the Muslims from British attacks.

Political Career

Mustafa's revolution began in 1919 with the Amasya declaration formed by officers who supported the Young Turks movement. They felt dissatisfied with the government of the Ottoman Empire, which was retreating over time. So, they create a rival government in Ankara that uses a democratic system. This resulted in the Istanbul government increasingly losing its prestige and the people increasingly siding with the modern Ankara government.

With the formation of the Supreme National Council in Ankara, Mustafa was elected as the first prime minister of Turkey in 1920 to have complete control over Turkey. In contrast to Sultan Vahdettin, who at that time had no power and was only used as a symbol of the state. Until finally in 1922 the Ottoman Empire completely disappeared from the world. So that the most entitled to inherit the position were Mustafa who then declared the Republic of Turkey and himself as the first president and immediately took over all the assets owned by the Ottoman Empire.

When Turkey was carrying out a revolution, it did not necessarily change all aspects directly, but slowly adjusted to the needs of society. Although the Ottomans had collapsed, the caliphate continued until 1924 which was held by Abdülmecid II. The Khilafah is nothing more than a symbol of Muslim unity. Mustafa abolished the caliphate which according to him was a disease of the modern age. He also began eliminating Arabic characters and replacing them with Latin characters in the official Turkish spelling. Converts everything Arabic to Turkish to be understood by everyone. Changing all aspects from economic, social, political, and educational to including dress code. She is a strong advocate for women's freedom and gender equality. Regarding education, he is no joke, he wrote a book on education curriculum in Turkey so that he was nicknamed Başöğretmen (professor).

It was not until 1934 that the Supreme Council of Turkey granted him the title Atatürk in his last name. There is a lot of controversy in it that seems to confirm his dictatorship during his presidency. But not a few also do not make a problem because he served to Turkey. During his leadership, Turkey implemented a one-party system with the CHP Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (Republican People's Party) as the sole ruler.


Due to his habit of drinking alcohol, smoking, and having free sex, his health diminished over time. He also died at Dolmabahçe İstanbul Palace on November 10, 1938, at 09.05. It is also during this time that the Turkish community observes a moment of silence to commemorate his death.

He willed that all his assets be used for the budget of the CHP Party, his children, and relatives. The management of his body is carried out privately using Islamic law. Then he was brought back to Ankara to follow government funeral procedures. His relatives plan to preserve his remains. But as his body became increasingly damaged, he was placed in a 42-ton macrophage housed in the Ankara Ethnographic Museum before being transferred to Anıtkabir 15 years later.

Turkey's view of Ataturk

He is a hero of the Turks who saved them from colonialism and especially the ignorance that enveloped them during the Ottoman Empire. The Turks were a knight nation who liked to fight and were loyal to their superiors. Because it made some Ottoman sultans after the time of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman too obedient to Sufi scholars who did not love the world and change. So that scholars forbid new knowledge and can only teach Islam textually without logic. This period is the same as the dark ages of Europe which were ruled by priests who did not allow the people to think freely. In contrast to the Abbasids who had been the center of world knowledge for centuries. Coupled with the betrayal and corrupt practices committed by Janisary (Ottoman military). So that the Ottoman economic situation was getting worse and entangled in debt. The decline also occurred because there was no specific vision of the Ottoman sultans in building the country after the triumph of those who had conquered Byzantine and other areas. As if they only want to be in power without wanting to be responsible for governing the country. 

Then came a reformer, namely Sultan Mahmud II, who carried out a revolution in the Ottomans but failed due to the unpreparedness of his people in facing science and the world economy because they had been isolated from the world for centuries. So, the destruction of the Ottomans is not an external factor but an internal factor itself that has been corrupted from within. Therefore, Ataturk took the initiative to carry out reforms in Turkey by eliminating the Ottoman Sultanate which was deemed to have failed to reform. He is also known as the voice of freedom. So that in his time he no longer obliged Sharia law, gave freedom of thought and opinion as widely as possible, and leveled the social class that was lame during the Ottoman era.

The view as an enemy of Islam

He is suspected of being a Jewish agent who was specially educated to destroy the Ottomans from within. Is one of the global elite stooges who want to rule the world but are blocked by two empires, each of which controls the east and west. Namely the Ottoman Turks and Tsarist Russia. Where in Russia was included the figure of Vladimir Lenin who changed ideology to become communist and Mustafa Kemal in Turkey who changed ideology to become secular. The Gallipoli War was only a work of British setting so that Ataturk could win over the people's hearts and could easily take over from the Ottoman Turks which made it easier for the global elite to rule the world.

His odd death is also considered a punishment that God has given him. Because he was the one who abolished the caliphate that had stood for 14 centuries. As well as his efforts to eliminate the light of Islam that has shone brightly for 6 centuries in Turkey.

In essence, it all depends on how we look. It is necessary to know that each human being has his purpose and purpose in carrying out an action that is only his secret. But so far, the Turks still regard him as a national hero. They respect him either out of self-awareness or compulsion because it has been regulated by law.

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