Kamis, 02 Juli 2020

Atatürk: Two Sides of the Father of the Turkish Nation

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, a figure known as the father of the Turkish nation. Which changed the country of the two continents to a more modern direction. In historical records, Ataturk is quite a controversial figure. On the one hand, he is seen as having made a big difference to the tulip-producing country, but on the other hand, he is known as the enemy of Islam. Is an intelligent person who has unique thinking that makes some people confused and amazed at him. Many assumptions say that this son of Zübeyde Hanım is not accepted by Turkish society, but the reality on the ground is much different. His photos were everywhere until there was a memorial of his death known as Atatürk'ü Anma Günü

The figure and military career of the father of the nation

Born in the city of Selanik (Thessaloniki), Greece on May 19, 1881. He only has the real name, Mustafa. This was related to the Ottoman culture which only named children with one word. He was raised by Zübeyde Hanım after his father, Ali Rıza Efendi, who worked as a customs clerk, died when Mustafa was 7 years old. In history, the titles Efendi and Hanım only got their parents when Ataturk served as president of the Turkish republic.

From childhood, he was a smart figure. This was proven when he was in grade 4 elementary school and managed to achieve perfect scores which are rarely obtained by students in general. His military education began in secondary school at the military school Selanik and Manastır (Bitola), both centers of anti-Turkish Greek nationalism. His math teacher nicknamed him Kemal which means perfection because of his seemingly flawless intelligence. He graduated in 1905 with the rank of a lieutenant who was immediately sent to serve in Damascus. In Damascus, he immediately joined the secret group Vatan ve Hürriyet (Motherland and Freedom) which was an active opponent of the Ottoman Empire. Two years later he returned to Selanik and joined the Jön Türkler (Young Turks Movement) group.

He had brilliant achievements in the military so that in 1908 he had become a central figure who overthrew Sultan Abdülhamid II. His military career continued to rise until he became a commander at the Battle of Gallipoli in 1915. Where the Ottomans were in the central bloc with Germany against allies, namely Britain and France. Due to his success in preventing the allies from taking Ottoman rule in Istanbul via the Gallipoli Peninsula, he won the honorary titles of Gazi (the title of a hero who won the war) and Paşa (the honorary title of the Ottoman statesman).

His military career was not always smooth, even though he had many achievements. It was proven in 1917 that he failed to fight against the Arab rebellion in Hejaz and to defend Palestine which was piggybacked and controlled by the British. Because he was pressured by the situation, he only chose to defend the territory of Turkey which has been controlled to date. He is dubbed by some as an Islamic hero because of his services in defending the Muslims from British attacks.

Political Career

Mustafa's revolution began in 1919 with the Amasya declaration formed by officers who supported the Young Turks movement. They felt dissatisfied with the government of the Ottoman Empire, which was retreating over time. So, they create a rival government in Ankara that uses a democratic system. This resulted in the Istanbul government increasingly losing its prestige and the people increasingly siding with the modern Ankara government.

With the formation of the Supreme National Council in Ankara, Mustafa was elected as the first prime minister of Turkey in 1920 to have complete control over Turkey. In contrast to Sultan Vahdettin, who at that time had no power and was only used as a symbol of the state. Until finally in 1922 the Ottoman Empire completely disappeared from the world. So that the most entitled to inherit the position were Mustafa who then declared the Republic of Turkey and himself as the first president and immediately took over all the assets owned by the Ottoman Empire.

When Turkey was carrying out a revolution, it did not necessarily change all aspects directly, but slowly adjusted to the needs of society. Although the Ottomans had collapsed, the caliphate continued until 1924 which was held by Abdülmecid II. The Khilafah is nothing more than a symbol of Muslim unity. Mustafa abolished the caliphate which according to him was a disease of the modern age. He also began eliminating Arabic characters and replacing them with Latin characters in the official Turkish spelling. Converts everything Arabic to Turkish to be understood by everyone. Changing all aspects from economic, social, political, and educational to including dress code. She is a strong advocate for women's freedom and gender equality. Regarding education, he is no joke, he wrote a book on education curriculum in Turkey so that he was nicknamed Başöğretmen (professor).

It was not until 1934 that the Supreme Council of Turkey granted him the title Atatürk in his last name. There is a lot of controversy in it that seems to confirm his dictatorship during his presidency. But not a few also do not make a problem because he served to Turkey. During his leadership, Turkey implemented a one-party system with the CHP Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (Republican People's Party) as the sole ruler.


Due to his habit of drinking alcohol, smoking, and having free sex, his health diminished over time. He also died at Dolmabahçe İstanbul Palace on November 10, 1938, at 09.05. It is also during this time that the Turkish community observes a moment of silence to commemorate his death.

He willed that all his assets be used for the budget of the CHP Party, his children, and relatives. The management of his body is carried out privately using Islamic law. Then he was brought back to Ankara to follow government funeral procedures. His relatives plan to preserve his remains. But as his body became increasingly damaged, he was placed in a 42-ton macrophage housed in the Ankara Ethnographic Museum before being transferred to Anıtkabir 15 years later.

Turkey's view of Ataturk

He is a hero of the Turks who saved them from colonialism and especially the ignorance that enveloped them during the Ottoman Empire. The Turks were a knight nation who liked to fight and were loyal to their superiors. Because it made some Ottoman sultans after the time of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman too obedient to Sufi scholars who did not love the world and change. So that scholars forbid new knowledge and can only teach Islam textually without logic. This period is the same as the dark ages of Europe which were ruled by priests who did not allow the people to think freely. In contrast to the Abbasids who had been the center of world knowledge for centuries. Coupled with the betrayal and corrupt practices committed by Janisary (Ottoman military). So that the Ottoman economic situation was getting worse and entangled in debt. The decline also occurred because there was no specific vision of the Ottoman sultans in building the country after the triumph of those who had conquered Byzantine and other areas. As if they only want to be in power without wanting to be responsible for governing the country. 

Then came a reformer, namely Sultan Mahmud II, who carried out a revolution in the Ottomans but failed due to the unpreparedness of his people in facing science and the world economy because they had been isolated from the world for centuries. So, the destruction of the Ottomans is not an external factor but an internal factor itself that has been corrupted from within. Therefore, Ataturk took the initiative to carry out reforms in Turkey by eliminating the Ottoman Sultanate which was deemed to have failed to reform. He is also known as the voice of freedom. So that in his time he no longer obliged Sharia law, gave freedom of thought and opinion as widely as possible, and leveled the social class that was lame during the Ottoman era.

The view as an enemy of Islam

He is suspected of being a Jewish agent who was specially educated to destroy the Ottomans from within. Is one of the global elite stooges who want to rule the world but are blocked by two empires, each of which controls the east and west. Namely the Ottoman Turks and Tsarist Russia. Where in Russia was included the figure of Vladimir Lenin who changed ideology to become communist and Mustafa Kemal in Turkey who changed ideology to become secular. The Gallipoli War was only a work of British setting so that Ataturk could win over the people's hearts and could easily take over from the Ottoman Turks which made it easier for the global elite to rule the world.

His odd death is also considered a punishment that God has given him. Because he was the one who abolished the caliphate that had stood for 14 centuries. As well as his efforts to eliminate the light of Islam that has shone brightly for 6 centuries in Turkey.

In essence, it all depends on how we look. It is necessary to know that each human being has his purpose and purpose in carrying out an action that is only his secret. But so far, the Turks still regard him as a national hero. They respect him either out of self-awareness or compulsion because it has been regulated by law.

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