
I am Muhammed Gazi Thinker Writter Speaker Reader Influencer Leader Businessman A Devotee of God

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About Me

The Curious Analyzer

Muhammed Gazi

A Thinker of the Future

A person who focuses on achievement, enjoys activities that involve leadership and persuasion, upholds freedom of exploration.

I am a student from the Republic of Indonesia who is currently studying in Fatih Sultan Mehmet International High School which is the best school in the Republic of Turkey. Along with other students who are representatives from 65 different countries in the world.

What can I do


I am a writer of five languages (Indonesian, Malaysian, Turkish, English and Arabic) who works actively as a journalist in online and offline media in two countries at once (Indonesia and Turkey). I also wrote several articles and stories and participated in the making of my own novels while continuing my education in high school.


I am a person who has a very high curiosity. So that makes me think broader than other people. Because of a very broad thinking, I managed to find something that other people have never found. Or create something with innovation from the assimilation and acculturation of my thoughts.

Influencer and Leadership

I am a person who really likes to share with others, especially knowledge and information. After I succeeded in obtaining or making new knowledge and information I immediately shared it with others. With this knowledge I succeeded in influencing and getting the influence of others through what social media platforms support the dissemination of my information. So as to create a charismatic leadership.


I am a person who is good at management, especially business. I have started my business since the age of eleven with investing in gold. Then I also started a small business by selling snacks at my school. Now my business customers have become international standards and the profit from my investment has reached more than 2000 dollars.

Our Blog

Notes of a Liberal (Eps 4)

I'm Liberal!

Yes, because I know I'm a human. A creature that is actually the same as an animal but has been endowed with reason so that it has the right to freedom of thought (not free to do something). But friend, if you've been given a reason, don't make strange thoughts.
In the name of freedom, that is why I hate religion. Religion is a disease of the modern age that violates the human right to think freely. If we are still subject to something because of religion, then what is the difference between us and animals that submit to their masters? Just so you know, the dark ages of Europe existed because they were still subject to religion.

But one odd thing is that there is a religion that allows and even obliges its adherents to think. And it feels wrong to be called a religion because of its very different characteristics. It is a guide to all thoughts.

Every freedom has a clue. Only provided for those who are willing to take the best steps towards that freedom. That is Islam, the most rational teaching and always becomes more rational with the development of the times (contentporer)

Humans also have lust. But sometimes lust overcomes the mind so that humans return to being animals. Some people cannot rationalize Islam so that they blame and even create enmity in Islam.

There are extremist groups who are too passionate about religion without thinking rationally on the problem. So they like to blame other groups that don't suit them. Or an atheist who is too arrogant to want to make up his own point. Even though they still have passions that even direct their thoughts to their own desires. And they will never succeed because there is only one correct clue!

Islam is flexible, not as conservative as you think. Because in Islam peace is the only solution to problems. It is the same when we deal with Shia and other sects of Islamic teachings. Actually we are being pitted against one another. What we should be enemies of is the person who makes this enmity not his teaching. After all, we still hold two sentences of the creed, the issue of sharia can be justified if we are united. So there is a philosophy of laundry soap.
Soap is the analogy of Islam. Dirty clothes are the analogy of a world tainted by lust.

So dirty clothes can never be clean if soap never gets into dirty clothes. Islam could never change the world system if Islam had never entered that system. It is also wrong if there is a tarekat that teaches worship without the world's interference. Actually they are covered with selfishness to achieve their own happiness. And it is no longer the time for us to preach in mosques, schools, etc. Because the scope of Islamic guidance is for all beings.

So, to be the most human of humans we must use our intellect as best as possible. Cultivate to always think. Believe me, all good will come if we use our minds as well as possible. And da'wah is not only about conveying Islam but about conveying kindness

So keep your thinking always!

Without realizing it, humans have lost their essence as a thinking creature. Mass duping happened everywhere until it ended in splits. Do you realize that we've been fooled? that we should unite with our own brothers instead attack each other. Remember cuy, it's better to incorporate than to confront. Unity is the key to victory. The more we hold others, the brighter the light of victory will be.

Between the Garuda and Hilal

Turkey, a country that is very strategically located between two continents, has made it the center of world civilization that has been going on since the beginning of the Middle Ages until now. Nothing wrong with the Republic of Turkey is the second-largest place for Indonesian students after Egypt. And most Indonesian students here are studying general science which makes it another option as a student paradise after the UK (United Kingdom), USA (United States of America), Germany, and other countries. Besides, the Republic of Turkey has a high religious value based on the historical background of the Ottoman Sultanate which makes it a more choice as a place of study for Muslim students from Indonesia. And Turkey has now since the leadership of President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan becomes the center of civilization for world science, especially the Islamic world.

Indonesian students now have a special place in Turkish society. Some Turkish people are happy with the presence of Indonesian students who are known to have intelligence and hard work more than other foreign students. But is the relationship between Indonesia and Turkey only about education? It turns out that all did not happen by accident but had a series of histories that colored the relationship between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Turkey.

Starting from the all-powerful event that destroyed mankind during the prophetic period of Noah, the US. Where there was a great flood that devastated the world in its entirety. All mankind perished, only Prophet Noah (AS) and his followers remained. After the great flood, the big ark landed on the land of Anatolia (present-day Turkey) and is said to have now become a mount called Mount Ağrı. Then the Prophet Noah divided his people into 3 groups, each of which was led by a son. The first group was led by Sam, who became the forerunner of the descendants of the Arabs who originally settled in Central Asia. The second group was led by Ham who became the forerunner of the African nation which still lives in the Arika region. The latter was a group led by the Yafists who became the forerunners of the Mongols who settled in Sundaland (possibly the Atlantic called by Plato).

These Yafist descendants later became the center of human civilization at that time. With technological advances that have defeated other nations. Sundaland also has a wide variety of biodiversity and very rich natural resources. Just like the archipelago today. Until finally the nation's civilization was destroyed with a very devastating natural disaster which resulted in the sinking of part of the Sundaland area so that it was divided into various islands. The Yafists then scattered to find shelter, mostly going to Mongol territory. This history happened exactly as told by Plato about Atlantis.

Several centuries later the Mongol people who were synonymous with nomadic nations scattered about looking for new areas to live in. One group has returned to the Sundaland region (which has become the archipelago) which became the ancestral origin of the Indonesian nation. There is one group called Ya'juj Ma'juj who love to do damage. Ya'juj Ma'juj have 21 tribes, which in the end King Zulkarnain acted to lock up the 21 tribes inside a very strong wall. The greatest king who obeyed Allah, the ruler of the east and west of the world. But unfortunately, only 20 tribes were successfully locked up, the rest were left behind so people call them the Türk tribe, which comes from Arabic الترك which means left behind. The Türk tribe then turned into a large nation which then split up as was the custom of their ancestors. Finally, in the Abbasid era, the Turks began to embrace Islam and were assigned to protect the land of Anatolia (Asia Minor) from the attacks of the East Romans. Until in the end, the Abbasids collapsed due to the Mongol invasion by Hulagu Khan, who was still related to the Turkic people. But the Turks did not betray the Abbasids and thus kept the Anatolian lands even though the dynasty had collapsed. After knowing that no one else was home to them, the Turks began to build a new dynasty known as the Selçuklu Devleti (Seljuk State) which inherited the Abbasid caliphate which had been divided into Mamluks in Egypt and Seljuks in Anatolia. Two centuries later Selcuk also collapsed due to the Mongol invasion again in the late 13th century

The initiative then emerged in a town called SoÄŸut in Anatolia. Osman Gazi was based on his dream of reuniting the tribes that had separated after the fall of the Seljuks. Assisted by Shaykh Edebali who was his teacher and father-in-law, and the position of his father ErtuÄŸrul Gazi who was the leader of the tribes and regions made it easy to unite the tribes that became the forerunners of the largest Islamic empire that ruled from West Africa to Uzak DoÄŸu (the Far East means Archipelago region).

This dynasty was given the name Osmanlı Devleti (Ottoman State), after the name of the imperial founder. Until finally 2 centuries after the incident, to be precise in 1413 Çelebi Sultan Mehmet (5th Ottoman Sultan) had a dream from the Prophet to send a messenger to Uzak Doğu (Nusantara) as a mission to preach Islam. Then 9 people were selected selectively by the Sultan, consisting of scholars and habibs, one of which was Shaykh Jumadil Kubro and his son Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Sunan Gresik) who came from Uzbekistan.

Shaykh Jumadil Kubro went to Sulawesi while Sunan Gresik went to Champa Kingdom (present Cambodia) and married the royal princess before going to Java. At that time the ruling king was Brawijaya from Majapahit who had a wife named Siu Ban Chi (son of Shaykh Bantiong from East Turkistan / Uygur) who was a relative of Sunan Gresik. He then had a son named Raden Fatah who was the founder of the Demak Kingdom. Namely, the kingdom which later inherited Majapahit (because Raden Fatah was still a descendant of Brawijaya) so that it became the center of the Islamic kingdom's civilization at that time. In 1479 Raden Fatah was brought to Istanbul and inaugurated by Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih, the 7th Sultan of the Ottoman). De facto the archipelago (former Majapahit and Demak) was controlled by the Utsmani Khilafahan.

In 1527, Indonesia experienced a conquest similar to what happened 76 years ago in Istanbul. The conquerors were both named Fatih or what we now call Fatahillah. The lands he conquered would later become the capital of a great nation. And the foundation is still the same, "Inna fatahna laka fathan mubina." A symbol of freedom and victory. At that time Sunda Kelapa was controlled by the Portuguese who were carrying out Christianization and territorial monopoly. Fatahillah (who is Raden Fatah's son-in-law) immediately took action to fight back. In the name of Allah, he finally managed to free the city and gave it the name Fathan Mubina (in the local language it is called Jayakarta or Jakarta). Like Constantinople which changed its name to Fatih City (the last area of Constantinople which is located inside the fort which is now a district of Istanbul City). 

The relationship between the Uthmani Khilafah and the Archipelago did not only occur in Java. But it also happened in the Sultanate of Aceh, which is in the western part of the archipelago. Beginning in 1565, Aceh became the de facto Ottoman territory. Namely during the reign of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman (Sulaiman Agung, the 10th Ottoman Sultan), at which time the Ottomans were at their peak. Until finally, when the Portuguese and Dutch colonization occurred in the Sultanate of Aceh, it could not be separated from the assistance of the Ottoman, who was then led by Sultan Abdülhamid 2 (the last Islamic caliph in full power). Because of his massive assistance, Aceh became the only area that was never controlled by the Dutch.

Until 1922-1945 the Yogyakarta and Surakarta palaces (continued dynasty of the Demak Kingdom) were the last remaining Ottoman de facto areas in Indonesia. This was proven by the existence of the caliphate banner that was given by the Utsmani to Yogyakarta. After the collapse of the Ottomans in 1922 many Muslim countries lost their fathers. The same fate was felt by the Yogyakarta Palace which had to fight the Dutch alone. Until finally 23 years later the independence of the Republic of Indonesia was proclaimed which was also assisted by Yogyakarta. Indirectly, the Utsmani also played a role in the achievement of Indonesian independence.

Not only that, but President Soekarno also began to introduce the songkok which is a type of Fes (the cap of the sultan and the Ottoman aristocrat). Until finally it became an official object used in Indonesia and some other Malay countries. President Soekarno also participated in finding Imam Bukhari's tomb which was a joy for the people of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan is also still of Turkic descent). None other than remuneration for Islamization in Indonesia by Sunan Gresik, who came from Uzbekistan.   

In short, Indonesia would never have become a country with the largest Muslim population in the world without the participation of the Ottoman Empire. Even though in some historical records it is said that one of the prophet's companions had stopped in Sumatra to preach Islam. Maybe if that was all that happened, the spread of Islam had never run massively and maybe it would only have spread on the island of Sumatra. And it is impossible to penetrate the 209.12 million people as it is today.

ErdoÄŸan: The Other Side of the European Lion

As president of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan is widely heard in various media. From his achievements to bring the glory of the Republic of Turkey when he was prime minister and president to his bravery in the international political arena. His vision has earned him the reputation of being one of the most influential figures in the Islamic world of the 21st century and earning him the nickname "European Lion." What is the true figure of a leader with a strong vision and how far has his career gone from then until now? Let's see.


Born in BeyoÄŸlu district located in the metropolitan city of Istanbul, Turkey on February 26, 1954. Born with the real name Recep Tayyip. His parents named him Recep because he was born to coincide with the month of Rajab. And there used to be a high priest named Tayyip so he also called him by that name which means goodness. Erdogan is his surname which comes from his father Captain Ahmet ErdoÄŸan, a Turkish Navy Officer in charge of guarding the Black sea coastline. His father's family came from Georgia and his mother's family came from Kurdistan, but because Georgia and Kurdistan were one country (Ottoman Turkey) then he still holds the status of a Turkish citizen.

His childhood was spent in Rize with 4 other siblings. A city on the coast of the Black Sea. He was born in a difficult family situation that forced him to earn money from childhood by selling snacks. Then he collected the money from the sale to buy several books. He is known as a bookworm. His basic education begins in the city of Istanbul with formal education. He began to receive intensive religious education at Ä°stanbul Ä°mam Hatip Lisesi (high school) which is adjacent to International Fatih Sultan Mehmet Ä°mam Hatip Lisesi which is now the benchmark for all Imam Hatip schools in Turkey and several places in the world.

During his education in high school, he pursued his hobby as a footballer at the Camıaltıspor club. While working on the side at the Istanbul transportation company (İETT) as a minor employee. Then he continued his undergraduate education at the University of Marmara, Faculty of economics and business while continuing his hobby of playing football at a semi-amateur club called Erokspor which is owned by Beyoğlu District.

Political Career

His political career began in 1975 where he was elected chairman of the Istanbul city branch of the National Salvation Party (MSP). After the coup in 1980, several parties were banned and including one of them (MSP). Therefore Erdogan followed in the footsteps of his teacher Prof. Necmettin Erbakan, who formed a new party, namely the Refah Partisi (Welfare Party). In 1982 he was elected chairman of the BeyoÄŸlu district branch of the Welfare Party and within 3 years he rose to prominence as chairman of the Istanbul City Welfare Party. His career journey has not always been smooth, he has participated in the mayoral election for the BeyoÄŸlu district but failed, as did the election of people's representatives for the Province of Siirt and Istanbul in the next period. Until finally on the third try, he succeeded in becoming the people's representative of the Istanbul Province. Due to the Welfare Party's soaring votes exceeding 10% in 1991. In 1994 the Welfare Party became the largest party in Turkey in the local elections which made it elected as Metropolitan Mayor of Great Istanbul.

Due to his achievements during his tenure as mayor, he managed to take a public image. Coupled with some controversy that makes people curious about his figure. This is evidenced by some of his poetry which is considered too striking against Islam and his courage to convey it directly in the community, making him sentenced to prison for several months. Because the state considers itself to have violated the secular ideology that has been adhered to by Turkey for decades.

In 1997 there was another coup which led to the resignation of the then prime minister of Turkey Necmettin Erbakan and the banning of the Welfare Party from politics. Then Erdogan took the initiative to take swift action by forming a new party, namely the AKP (Justice and Development Party) with the permission of his teacher Erbakan Hoca. Until finally with the party, he was elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey in 2004 who served for two terms. This is a surprising result considering that the party which is not more than 5 years old has managed to control more than half of the parliament which made it elected prime minister. Not only that, the people of Turkey still gave their trust to hold the mandate as President of the Republic of Turkey since 2014.

At the age of office, he was almost six years old. Regardless of who will replace him, there has been a lot of controversy and twists and turns that have occurred throughout his tenure. One thing that may confuse us. Why is the militancy force of Erdogan's supporters so great compared to us in Indonesia? It turns out that the secret is in Erdogan who socializes to the wider community without distinguishing whoever it is. For him, in life, there is no eternal enemy so that he can embrace all the beliefs of society. Even though we know, Erdogan is an Islamist person. It should be noted, the ideology of secularism has succeeded in changing 70-75% of the Turkish people who previously had Islamic ideology under the auspices of the Ottoman Turks. So it will be a difficult challenge for Erdogan if he only takes the trust of Islamic circles. So he uses a slow da'wah strategy where he does not spread hatred and prohibition against people who do not implement Islamic law. He also slowly changed the law to something more Islamic. So that currently the ideology of Erdoganism is known, which wants to replace the current Kemalism and change Turkey back to its heyday in the days of the Ottoman Empire.

During his tenure, he succeeded in bringing Turkey to something more modern and viewed by the world. Now Turkey has become one of the countries chosen to become a world civilization from the economic, social, and the biggest is education. Even though during his leadership there was a lot of hatred from outside and inside. Starting from the economic crisis that Turkey experienced in 2017 to its confrontation with the PKK and the Syrian conflict. Until at its peak there was a coup that wanted to overthrow him on July 15, 2016.

Erdogan and the Coup Incident

There is something unique about this coup. Throughout the history of Turkish politics, it is quite hot, where there have been 4 coups, and only this time it failed. Although there are many victims from the civilian and military circles. Due to Erdogan's charisma before his people, most loved him and were even willing to die to defend himself at the top of the leadership hierarchy of the Republic of Turkey. Back again because Erdogan managed to win the hearts of his people peacefully. In contrast to the coup of President Mursi in 2013, where he was successfully deposed and jailed for his mistakes in changing Egypt. The situation in Egypt at that time was the same as that of a secular Turkey. But suddenly Mursi immediately changed everything to be based on sharia so that he lost most of the trust of his people who would have helped him when the coup was launched.

Not everyone likes Erdogan

Although his achievements are extraordinary, not a few people hate his figure. Many have accused Erdogan of only wanting to take the voice of the world's Muslims for the benefit of his promotion. The 2016 coup was thought to be just a scenario to win over the Turkish people. Erdogan's figure lately is too 'embracing' so that he seems to submit to superpowers like America and Russia. He had lost his reputation for being brave and not submitting to anyone in his early tenure. Mastery of his native language seems to be lacking because he always uses Turkish at every international meeting. Back again to introduce the Turkish language to the world. His glamorous habits make some people comment that there are still poor people who need this money rather than for their lifestyle.

In essence, it all depends on where our perspective is looking. It is also inseparable that each person has their secrets and intentions in doing something. Based on the facts, there are still more people who like him than people who hate him. Erdogan, the European Lion.

Kita(b) Bucin (The Holy Book of Love) 1

For those of you who are single, don't be sad. This is a sign that Allah is in love with you and Allah does not want a third person to interfere with his love.

For those of you who have broken up, don't be upset. A sign that God is giving a signal that He is jealous. And so you can move on to him.

For you who are dating, be careful. If Allah's jealousy has reached its climax, your relationship can be messed up.

Yes to all of you. Try to approach Allah, guaranteed never to fail. Unlike you who are approaching him. 😂

If you have been with Allah, no one can do it. If you already love whatever you ask, you will definitely give it. Moreover, he was the owner of everything.

And there are times when Allah will tie that love in one bond. By sending a servant who is as powerful as you. And that's when your love for him will be eternal.
Divine love.

When Zulaikha pursued Yusuf's love, Allah kept Yusuf away from him. When Zulaikha pursued Allah's love, Allah brought Joseph closer to him. QS. Yusuf: 23-53

Kita(b) Bucin (The Holy Book of Love) 2

For you love worshipers ...

Before you go further to serve love, it is better if you first identify what love is.
Human. The only being that has a divine nature. Who always tries to be God for other creatures. That is why we can get to know the figure of Pharaoh, Namrudz, and others.

God has many names. This is because so importance is put at the beginning. Ar Rahman and Ar Rahim. Most Merciful and Most Gracious. Who when combined will be the most loving.

Love belongs to God. But it was deliberately given to Adam, who was lonely so that one day the world he created would not be damaged by it. Without love, all will be destroyed.
But the context of love will be too narrow if it means liking between a boy and a girl. But love is the thing that keeps the world together and balanced. And deliberately given to humans as given the mandate to protect the world

Teens are a place where love rages. On the first side, he can already feel the essence of love. But on the other hand, he still has goals to achieve. So at that time, they must choose to become abusers of love or continue their dreams.

Many have misunderstood. Where dating is part of love. Never contaminate love with dating! love is the only verb that lasts. If it ends then that is lust.

The point is why you are looking for love if that love is in you. Why are you worried about not getting love if love is a human nature that is paired with each other. It is better for you to change your life goal from pursuing love to your goals.

Caliphate? For What?! (Eps 5)

Actually, what are your reasons for supporting, following, and even being fanatical about the caliphate movement? You know what you're actually doing right now is something in vain. So why do you support the caliphate movement?

Let us now look back at history. Is it from Chaliph Muawwiyah (Ummayah Dynasty) to Caliph Abdülmecid 2 (Ottoman Dynasty) included in the criteria of a caliphate? no bro!

Those who fall into the category of caliphate according to the words of the prophet are the only Khulafaurrasyidin. The rest adhered to a royal system that adopted unilateral thinking and feudalism. And is such a caliphate system what we want?

Many of us are mistaken in seeing the meaning of the caliphate. Actually, the caliphate is the realization of the struggle, not the goal of the struggle.

Returning to the true goal of Islam, namely rahmatan lil 'alamin. Which gives peace to the world. So it is wrong if we establish a caliphate without looking at the benefit of other people.

Peace can never exist without prosperity. Prosperity can never exist without justice. And justice can never exist without unity.

In simple terms, what we have to do now is how to build unity over all mankind and throw away all self-interest and group interests. But that is impossible. So Islam exists as an intermediary for this. With the Al Quran being revealed systematically and content, it becomes a tool to enforce justice.

Forget the Islamic country. Our job is how to invite people to the path of justice. Without coercion and bloodshed. And the caliphate will gradually present itself.

Welcome to the New World Order ...

Conspiracy of miracles (Eps 3)

Getting something without doing is fun. Yes, that's a miracle. It is defined as something that happens without a cause and may become a ghost of perception when lazy possesses.

Everything in the world stands on a philosophical foundation. The beginning of all knowledge. Likewise physics is a presentation of the what, why, and how things happen. The science that rationalizes everything that is irrational. So that the orientation of God is realized to create humans with a set of extraordinary minds.

Miracle. Or it is also called metaphysics. Maybe it's something that doesn't make sense. How we define a chair that moves on its own in the middle of the night or a fire hanging in the middle of a forest is a foolish thing to find out about and better avoided because it is overwhelmed by fear. Enough of you believe.

That is what happens when the world has become overpowered by ignorance. Yes, welcome to physics. Where curiosity overcomes all existing strengths. Now, we go back to the middle ages. Where only simple mechanics from nature became the latest technology at that time. Then we bring the smartphone that we are holding now. What will they say? "This is a miracle!" It can be defined that a miracle is something that does not normally exist in a place and time.

Then what about the miracle of Moses who could split the sea and the staff that turned into a snake? Easy. It is all still related to the law of surface tension and the reconstruction of atoms so that they turn into nucleic acid compounds. Coupled with the law of relativity, which makes time distorted so that the process can occur quickly. Miracles and miracles are deliberately created to stimulate us to think. That is what Allah said.

It can be concluded that the perception of miracles only exists in fools. But keep in mind, the concept of the word "stupid" is not attributed to people who are less intelligent. But people who don't want to believe and think. Everything that happened was arranged. Likewise, what is still a paradox in philosophy, "if everything regulates, who rules God?" That is when humans are based on ignorance. Where thinking is not based on trust. In essence, everything has a cause and effect that makes it connected and continues to be continuous.

Now for all reason and rationality that we have obtained. Is it still necessary for a religion that is said to be binding and violates human rights to live freely? Want to know the answer? watch the rest.

Peace is Bullshit (Eps 2)

It has never crossed your mind, why does it feel like peace in this world never seems to exist? yes, that means we all have one thought. If we look through human history, it seems that we have never felt true peace. Even since Prophet Adam was created, there has been a feud with the devil. Then inherited by his son with a feud between Abel and Qabil. Until it is recorded in history as the first murder of a fellow human being on earth. The dispute has continued until now. How many people who are wronged even die because of the interests of one party.

So the main question is, can peace be created or not? or just nonsense? many humans have tried to voice and fight for peace. Some have succeeded. But only in one region at a time.

Maybe you can be one of those peace agents. But if you want to open something you definitely need a key. Likewise, peace has the key to justice. One common reason why this world is constantly adorned with conflict is because of injustice that makes one party disadvantaged. Or because of a sense of extreme differences from one another. Actually, many reasons hinder the creation of a sense of fairness. But broadly speaking, the reasons have the main reason, namely differences. Each other feels different and wants what they don't have. Even though we know every human being has their own strengths and weaknesses, right?

Let us now connect with the divine context. As previously discussed, Allah wants to implement peace in the world using Islam. But we've heard something like this, 'only God is the only one.' It is true, then if only Allah is the owner of justice, why would he send Islam down? even though he is the only owner of justice. And it can be concluded that world peace will only be a discourse forever.

One absolute statement that we must hold dear. Nothing is perfect in the world. Even physicists themselves have said that something in the world can never work properly without something else. The sign that everything completes and will never be perfect. Likewise with Islam. This religion is kamilun mutakamilun, which is to complement and complement everything in the world. So the function here is to run it to create peace. Even though we know, open the hundred percent peace that we will get. But at least we do our best to make peace. Allah Himself said that humans were created to try their best in goodness and not to be the best.

Maybe some of you are discouraged because you cannot bring about that peace absolutely. But don't be sad, "And don't give up hope from Allah's grace." Indeed we are a little lazy to do it. If only there was a miracle or miracle that immediately made the world peaceful. But speaking of miracles and miracles, are these two things? watch the rest.

Jangan Jadi Pejuang Islam (Episode 1)

 Berbicara kembali tentang islam, tak pernah lepas dari kata perjuangan. Benar, agama ini tak akan pernah tegak dan ada hingga kini tanpa perjuangan Nabi Muhammad, para sahabat, tabiin, khalifah dan para pendahulunya. Tapi pernah gak sih kalian berfikir kalau sudahkah benar perjuangan yang kita lakukan ? coba sekarang kita melihat bagaimana orang-orang yang menginginkan islam berkuasa atas muka bumi, menjadi yang pertama, membentuk khilafah; apakah perjuangan mereka sudah benar ? sekarang bisa kita katakana kalau pejuang islam seperti sosok Muammar Qadhafi, Saddam Husein, Muhammed Mursi itu tak sepenuhnya benar.
Gini deh brothers. Coba sekarang kita tadabbur ayat Al Quran untuk apa Allah menurunkan agama ini. “Dan tidaklah kami mengutus kalian kecuali untuk mejadi rahmat bagi seluruh alam.” Allah itu tak akan pernah menurunkan islam di muka bumi kecuali untuk menjadi juru damai di muka bumi. Nah, secara tak langsung disini Allah mengisyaratkan bahwa itu bukan untuk islam tapi untuk perdamaian. Nah terus untuk apa kita teriak-teriak diplomasi sana-sini, berjuang kesana kemari kalau kita berjuang atas nama islam tapi mengindahkan perdamaian. Buat apa kita memimpin kemudian memaksakan secara keras agar mengikuti syariat islam ? inget brother, Allah sendiri yang bilang, “Tidak ada paksaan dalam agama…” Tidak ada paksaan dalam agama. Kalian paksa orang lain untuk ikut syariat buat apa ? yang ada malah kalian seakan kalian jadi orang yang paling benar nantinya.

Tapi bukan maksudnya menolak syariat islam untuk dijalankan. Syariat itu penting untuk dilaksanakan tetapi cara penerapannya itu yang kadang salah. Ingat, islam itu adalah kendaraan dan perdamaian itu adalah tujuan. Islam itu mengajak, bukan memaksa. Gua belajar bagaimana sistem pendidikan di sekolah gua sekarang. Yang dimana syariat ditegakkan tanpa pemaksaan. Maka dari sanalah kelak akan muncul agen-agen perubahan seperti Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Hasan Al Banna, BJ Habibie dan lainnya yang berusaha menegakkan syariat secara berangsur tanpa merusak perdamaian dan keadilan negaranya masing-masing.

Gua respect dengan manhaj (ajaran) Tarbiyah yang dibawa oleh Imam Hasan Al Banna. Yang pengaruhnya sekarang tersebar di seluruh dunia bahkan Indonesia. Manhaj yang muncul di Mesir pada awal abad ke 20 merupakan manhaj islam yang penyebarannya paling damai di dunia. Lewat pendekatan, sosialisasi, ajakan dan tanpa kekerasan. Bukan radikal yang menginginkan islam berkuasa dengan kekerasan dan segala cara. Untuk apa islam berkuasa tapi perdamaian rusak ? Ibaratnya kita hanya sekedar memperbagus kendaraan tapi tak pernah sampai pada tujuan. 
Sekarang masih mau jadi pejuang islam ? Atau perjuang perdamaian ? Lalu bisakah kita mem buat perdamaian di muka bumi ? Saksikan kelanjutannya. 

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